- Fecha(s): 23/01/2025
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos (C403). Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Universidad de Murcia.
- Ponente: Eleonora Vitanza. University of Siena, Italy
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel Markovian model that describes the impact of egosyntonicity on emotion dynamics. We focus on the dominant current emotion, and describe the time evolution of its valence, modeled as a binary variable, where 0 and 1 correspond to negative and positive valences, respectively. In particular, the one-step transition…
- Fecha(s): 16/01/2025
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos. Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Iván Vicente (U. de Valencia)
Abstract: Early school leaving presents significant disparities, closely tied to observable characteristics such as gender and socioeconomic status (SES). This study examines the complex interplay between these factors using EU-SILC micro-data from 28 EU countries, covering the period from 2011 to 2019. Through logistic regression analyses, we uncover a non-linear relationship between gender and SES,…
- Fecha(s): 12/12/2024
- Lugar: Seminario de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía - Facultad de Economía y Empresa - Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Inga Helinad
Abstract Firms under common ownership have incentives to internalize the consequences of their behavior on each other, potentially resulting in less competition. In this paper, I revisit the question of whether firms that have owners in common with their rivals compete less. I exploit unique data from Norway to document the economy-wide extent of common…
- Fecha(s): 26/11/2024
- Lugar: Online https://meet.google.com/tdc-dygy-joj
- Ponente: Javier de la Plaza Tierno y Melanie Caballero Pastor (MTP)
En esta charla, Javier de la Plaza, responsable del área de UX&Accesibilidad de MTP, hablará de la importancia de que las aplicaciones web y app sean accesibles, la normativa vigente y cómo MTP trabaja con sus clientes para conseguirlo. Posteriormente Melanie Caballero, consultora especializada en accesibilidad digital, compartirá cómo se evalúa si una web es…
- Fecha(s): 08/02/2024
- Lugar: Seminario de Métodos Cuantitativos. Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Volker Schoer (School of Economics and Finance, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Improving the mathematics performance of school children is an objective for many policy makers around the world. It is obvious that mathematics teachers may have a key role to play in this process; however, robust examination of the teacher characteristics and practices of teachers that help to raise pupil mathematics achievement is relatively sparse, particularly…
- Fecha(s): 29/02/2024
- Lugar: Seminario de Métodos Cuantitativos. Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Lourdes Molera y María Semitiel (Universidad de Murcia)
We study how university economics teaching addresses sustainability. The priority of the topic has been evidenced in publications calling for a critical analysis of university programmes (Bowles, Carlin, 2020; Ansari, Landin, 2023; Prillaman, 2023). We analyse how sustainability is addressed in introductory economics courses for the degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Law at public…
- Fecha(s): 18/01/2024
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos de la Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Mariola Sánchez (Universidad de Murcia)
This paper investigates the implications of airline corporate social responsibility (CSR) uptake in the air transport industry. Then, we extend the analysis considering the impact of parallel airline alliances on CSR of airlines. The results suggest that airports play a crucial role in shaping the CSR practices of airlines and that this impact should be…
- Fecha(s): 23/11/2023
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos. Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Campus de Espinardo. Murcia.
- Ponente: Luis A. Guardiola. Universidad de Alicante.
Abstract The coordination of actions and the allocation of profit in supply chains under decentralized control play an important role in improving the profits of retailers and suppliers in the supply chain. We focus on supply chains under decentralized control in which noncompeting retailers can order from multiple suppliers to replenish their stocks. The goal…
- Fecha(s): 21/09/2023
- Lugar: Sala Seminarios CIO (UMH). Se grabará.
- Ponente: José Manuel Cordero, Universidad de Extremadura
Las variables de contexto o ambientales suelen desempeñar un papel importante en la mayoría de los procesos productivos, condicionando en gran medida tanto la estimación de los niveles de eficiencia de las unidades evaluadas como posibles factores explicativos de las ineficiencias detectadas en la mayoría de los estudios empíricos. Sin embargo, cuando se analizan los…
- Fecha(s): 11/07/2023
- Lugar: Sala Seminarios CIO (UMH). Se grabará.
- Ponente: Vanessa Guerrero, Universidad Carlos III
Abstract In an era when the decision-making process is often based on the analysis of complex and evolving data, it is crucial to have systems which allow us to incorporate human knowledge and provide valuable support to the decision maker. During this talk, statistical modelling and mathematical optimization paradigms merge to address the problems of,…