Seminario 24/08 – Anjeza Bekolli (Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania): Distribution of Profits in Agricultural Supply Chains: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach


In this study, our focus is on decentralized agricultural supply chains, where multiple non-competing distributors serve the demand of their respective markets. These distributors procure a single product from a farmer through an agricultural cooperative within a specific timeframe. Agents can coordinate their actions to maximize profits, employing cooperative game theory to analyze cooperation among…

Seminario 24/02 – Adrián Nerja (Universidad de Alicante): How does environmental awareness for HSR influence the necessity for short-haul flight bans?


This paper applies a model in which a local market served by high-speed rail (HSR) and an airline is connected with an international market serving two different airlines. Our aim is to assess the necessity for a ban on short-haul flights from an economic policy standpoint and to investigate the potential for market self-regulation to…

Seminario 24/04 – Volker Schoer (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa): Discursive classroom interaction practices and student achievement in mathematics: Evidence using an International large-scale education dataset


Improving the mathematics performance of school children is an objective for many policy makers around the world. It is obvious that mathematics teachers may have a key role to play in this process; however, robust examination of the teacher characteristics and practices of teachers that help to raise pupil mathematics achievement is relatively sparse, particularly…

Seminario 24/03 – Lourdes Molera y María Semitiel (U. Murcia): The contribution of university economics teaching to sustainability


We study how university economics teaching addresses sustainability. The priority of the topic has been evidenced in publications calling for a critical analysis of university programmes (Bowles, Carlin, 2020; Ansari, Landin, 2023; Prillaman, 2023). We analyse how sustainability is addressed in introductory economics courses for the degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Law at public…

Seminario 24/01 – Mariola Sánchez Romero (Universidad de Murcia): The Impacts of Airline Corporate Social Responsibility in the Air Transport Industry


This paper investigates the implications of airline corporate social responsibility (CSR) uptake in the air transport industry. Then, we extend the analysis considering the impact of parallel airline alliances on CSR of airlines. The results suggest that airports play a crucial role in shaping the CSR practices of airlines and that this impact should be…

Seminario 23/14 – Luis Guardiola (Universidad de Alicante): Distribution of surplus generated through cooperation in supply chains with multiple suppliers and retailers


Abstract The coordination of actions and the allocation of profit in supply chains under decentralized control play an important role in improving the profits of retailers and suppliers in the supply chain. We focus on supply chains under decentralized control in which noncompeting retailers can order from multiple suppliers to replenish their stocks. The goal…

Seminario 23/11 – Behzad Hezarkhani (Southampton Business School, University of Southampton): Global Agricultural Supply Chains under Tariff-Rate Quotas


The tariff rate quota (TRQ) is a common market access instrument in global agricultural trade that allows a predetermined quantity of a product to be imported at a lower tariff rate than the rate typically applied to that product. In this study, we examine the design and administration of TRQ systems from an operations management…

Seminario 23/08 – Santiago Sánchez Pagés (King’s College London) – Braggart or humble? The effect of self-reports on performance


An extensive literature has studied both in the field and in the lab the effects on performance of providing absolute and relative verifiable feedback, finding mixed results. Another branch of the literature has studied the effects of non-verifiable centrally-provided feedback, also with mixed results.  But, to the best of our knowledge, no study has explored…

Seminario 23/05 – Vicente Calabuig (U. de Valencia) – Elites, Inequality and the Emergence and Erosion of Progressive Taxation


Abstract This paper theoretically explores the role of elites in the rise of progressive taxation in Western countries at the beginning of the XXth century and in its posterior erosion in the last four decades. We focus on its interaction with the level of inequality between the elite and the citizens. We analyse a stylized…

Seminario 23/01: Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela): Sobre la aproximación de soluciones de juegos cooperativos


El cómputo exacto de soluciones de juegos cooperativos presenta una alta complejidad computacional cuando el número de jugadores involucrados es lo suficientemente grande. En este sentido, las metodologías de muestreo se presentan como alternativa para su aproximación en general. En esta charla revisaremos algunas de las propuestas en la literatura basadas en muestreo, así como…