An empirical characterization of high-risk drivers in Spain. The role of gender, age, marital status and education

  • Referencia: Martínez-Gabaldón, Eduardo: “An empirical characterization of high-risk drivers in Spain. The role of gender, age, marital status and education”. 2020, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 66, 430–444.. DOI:

Traffic accidents are both a major economic and public health problem worldwide. We use data from the May 2016 Spanish barometer (n = 1632) to analyse the characteristics of drivers who declare different types of risky driving behaviours. Our estimates suggest that the likelihood of being a high-risk driver in Spain increases with educational attainment and decreases with age. Moreover, it is higher for those with previous sanctions and for men, particularly so regarding speeding and driving after drinking alcohol. These results suggest that prevention policies in Spain should be targeted to different collectives of drivers depending on the particular risky behaviour considered.