Seminario 21/4: Jordi Pons i Puig (Dolby Laboratories): Deep learning architectures for music audio classification: a personal (re)view


  • Ponente: Jordi Pons i Puig (Dolby Laboratories) :
  • Fecha: 23/Feb/2021 - 12:00 horas
  • Lugar: Seminarios online CIO:

A brief review of the state-of-the-art in music informatics research and deep learning reveals that such models achieved competitive results for several music-related tasks. In this talk I will provide insights in which deep learning architectures are (according to our experience) performing the best for audio classification. To this end, I will first introduce a review of the available front-ends (the part of the model that interacts with the input signal in order to map it into a latent-space) and back-ends (the part predicting the output given the representation obtained by the front-end). And finally, in order to discuss previously introduced front-ends and back-ends, I will present some cases we found throughout our path researching which deep learning architectures work best for music audio tagging.

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