Seminario 21/2: Magdalena Kapelko (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in Poland): Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility Efficiency for the International Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry
- Ponente: Magdalena Kapelko (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in Poland)
- Fecha: 08/Feb/2021 - 13:00 horas
- Lugar: Seminarios online CIO:

One of themajor challenges in the research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) isthe aggregation of the CSR metrics into overall measures of CSR practices byfirms. The paper computes composite indicators of CSR from an efficiencyperspective using data envelopmentanalysis (DEA) for a sample of international food and beveragemanufacturing firms over the period 2011-2018. The study’s contributions to theliterature are twofold. First, this paper contributes by being the first tocompare efficiency in CSR practices of food and beverage companies acrossregions of Europe, the United States and Canada, Latin America andAsia-Pacific. Second, methodologically we extend the composite indicatorswithin DEA, allowing for non-convexities of the production set. The study findsa considerable potential for improvement in CSR practices as revealed by thevalues of CSR composite indicators. The study also shows the differences in CSRefficiency between food and beverage firms in the regions considered, with themost CSR efficient region being Latin America and Caribbean, and the least CSRefficient being firms in Asia-Pacific region. The CSR composite scoresfluctuate over the analyzed period, with an increase in efficiency in 2018experienced by all regions.