Seminario 19/10: Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán (University of Groningen) – Beyond optimism and pessimism: A composite perspective on British living standards during the industrial revolution


Abstract Few topics in economic history have received more attention than the profound transformations undergone by Great Britain during the 18th and 19th century. Even though the positive outcomes of this process for human living standards nowadays are not disputed, the same does not apply to the century spanning from 1750 to 1850 in Great…

Seminario 19/9: Luiz Fernando Saraiva y Rita Almico (Universidade Federal Fluminense/Brasil) – Raíces esclavas de la modernización capitalista en Brasil (1872 – 1920)


Abstract La investigación busca interpretar el proceso de crecimiento de la economía brasileña de la mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX reconociendo la importancia fundamental que el trabajo esclavo y los seres humanos esclavizados tuvieron en ese proceso. Utilizando datos estadísticos y demográficos, intentamos demostrar la estrecha y difícil relación entre esclavitud…

Seminario 19/8: Juan de Dios Moreno Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)- A family of rules to share the revenues from broadcasting sport events


Abstract: We consider the problem of sharing the revenues from broadcasting sport league events, introduced by Bergantiños and Moreno-Ternero (2019). We characterize a family of rules compromising between two focal and somewhat polar rules: the equal-split rule and concede-and-divide. The characterization only makes use of three basic axioms: equal treatment of equals, additivity and maximum…

Seminario 19/7 : Manuel Pérez García (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) – GECEM Project Database: State Capacity, Overseas Trade and Consumption in Qing China and Imperial Spain (1680-1796)


Abstract Global History, as a theoretical framework, has been in constant evolution during the last few years. Nevertheless, as the discipline reaches its maturity, the need to push the boundaries of the field becomes clearer; global historians need to avoid the stagnation of the debate by implementing research agendas that incorporate archival sources coming from…

Seminario 19/6: Luis Aguiar (JRC) – Platforms, Promotion, and Product Discovery: Evidence from Spotify Playlists


Abstract: Digitization has vastly increased the amount of new music produced and, because of streaming, has raised the number of songs available directly to consumers. While enhanced availability has levelled the playing field between already-prominent and new artists, creators may now be highly dependent on platform decisions about which songs and artist to promote. With…

Seminario 19/5: Ascensión Andina-Díaz (UMA) – Institutional flexibility, political alternation and middle-of-the-road policies


Abstract: Empirical observation shows that policies are usually gradually introduced in a society. This paper presents a model of repeated elections that captures this phenomenon, and that allows countries to differ in their institutional flexibility, thus in the speed of implementation of new policies. We show that with gradual implementation of policies there is an…

Seminario 19/4: Carlos Vidal Meliá (Universidad de Valencia) Cuentas nocionales, jubilación y dependencia: algunas ideas innovadoras.


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Seminario 19/3: Luís Corchón (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) – Two remarks on consumer surplus


Abstract: In this paper we investigate the use of consumer surplus in monopoly when the consumption of the outside good cannot be smaller than a certain number and when the weights given in the social welfare function to consumers and the firm are different. We assume quasi-linear utility and constant returns to scale. We find…

Seminario 19/2: Juan Vicente Llinares (UM) and Susana Álvarez (UM) – A New Index to Measure Educational Poverty and its Application to the OECD countries from PISA 2009 – 2015


Abstract: The consequences that educational underperformance has on both individuals and society as a whole lead policy makers and planners to focus on how to measure it properly. The aim of this paper is to propose an index to measure educational poverty which, taking as a starting point the economic literature on multidimensional poverty measurement,…

Seminario 19/1: Alfonso Rosa García (UCAM) -Coopetition: a group contest with inversely proportional prize-sharing


Abstract A general finding in group contest is that there is an over-expenditure of effort, that is contests between groups generate very high individual efforts (and little free riding) compared to theoretical predictions. However, in the literature the way that the prize is shared ranges only between proportional sharing to egalitarian sharing. In many environments…