Seminario 15/15: A. Calveras Maristany (U. Islas Baleares) – Corporate Social Responsibility and Product Quality


Abstract We study both theoretically and empirically the relationship between different types of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and a firm’s product quality. On the one hand, observable external CSR (e.g., a firm’s involvement in a social project) can be used as a signal to unobservable product quality. On the other hand, internal CSR (e.g., human…

Seminario 15/14: R. Caballero Fernández (U. Malaga) – Turismo Sostenible e Indicadores Sintéticos: Una relación sin solución única. Un enfoque multicriterio


Abstract Deseamos exponer mediante un breve recorrido a través de algunos trabajos en ese ámbito algunas de nuestras experiencias, carencias, aprendizajes y retos conseguidos o inconclusos. Es claro que el problema es multi,… multidimensional, multivariante, multicriterio. Expondremos como distintas cuestiones conceptuales marcan líneas metodológicas distintas pasando por el Análisis Multivariante, Análisis Envolvente de Datos y…

Seminario 15/13: J. L. Groizard (Universitat Illes Balears) –Dissecting the Exporter Wage Gap in Spain

World trade concept. Globe surrounded by shipping containers.

Abstract It is well known that exporter firms pay higher wages and are more skill intensive than domestic firms. In this paper we measure and decompose the exporter wage gap into several explanatory components by estimating counterfactual distributions for the Spanish manufacturing sector between 1995 and 2010. We find that conditional wages are more compressed…

Seminario 15/12: F. I. Sánchez-Martínez (U. Murcia) – Avoiding preference reversals with opaque methods


Abstract Two major classes of preference elicitation methods are Matching and Choice. In Matching Methods, respondents are asked to establish indifference between two options. Very often, Choice and Matching seem to reveal opposite preferences, a phenomenon known as “preference reversals”. We study if there are elicitation methods that reduce or eliminate this discrepancy between Matching…

Seminario 15/11: J. Sánchez-Campillo (U. Granada) – ¿En los centros privados se inflan las calificaciones de los estudiantes?


Abstract Over ninety percent of the students taking the Spanish university admissions test (PAU) in recent years have passed on their first try. However, many public university degree programmes require high grades of their applicants. This requirement was reinforced in 2010 with the approval of the new PAU, which introduced a set of voluntary tests,…

Seminario 15/10: L. Prados de la Escosura (U. Carlos III) – World Human Development: 1870-2007

MDG human development index

Abstract How has wellbeing evolved over time and across regions? How does the West compare to the Rest? What explains their differences? These questions are addressed using an historical index of human development. A sustained improvement in wellbeing has taken place since 1870. The absolute gap between OECD and the Rest widened over time, but…

Seminario 15/09: T. Ñíguez Grau (U. Westminster) – The expansion of moments density


Abstract This paper introduces a novel semi-nonparametric (SNP) distribution that we name Expansion of Moments (ME hereafter). The innovation of this density lies in its polynomials given by the difference between the n-th power of the variable and the n-th moment of the parametric density used as basis. We show that the ME keeps the…

Seminario 15/08: A. Ciarreta (U. del País Vasco) – Volatility transmissions in the Spanish intra-day electricity market


Abstract This paper analyzes the volatility transmissions between the different sessions of the Spanish intra-day electricity market for the period 2002-2013 using hourly prices. Based on the intra-day realized volatility and the organization of the market, volatility can only be transmitted from session 1 to 6 in chronological order, which allows formulate six Autoregressive Distributed…

Seminario 15/07: A. Martín (UNED) –Assessing the impact of domestic outsourcing and offshoring on productivity at the firm level

Outsourcing. Business Background.

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of domestic and foreign sourcing on firm-level productivity. We develop a simple framework which permits the introduction of both domestic outsourcing and offshoring in a conventional production function. We find that the decision to outsource has a positive impact on the level of productivity…

Seminario 15/06: D. P. Sánchez Martínez (Universidad de Murcia) – La recuperación del consumo farmacéutico tras la modificación del copago: evidencia de un servicio regional de salud


Abstract El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el efecto de las políticas de copago farmacéutico en la cantidad y la tendencia de consumo de medicamentos. Se trata de un estudio observacional retrospectivo con datos de prescripción de medicamentos en atención primaria y especializada en la Región de Murcia, obtenidos de los registros correspondientes a las…