Seminario 18/15: Juan L. Eugenio-Martin (ULPGC)-El análisis económico del impacto local del turismo: aplicaciones de econometría espacial


Abstract El desarrollo del sector turístico ha evidenciado su relevancia a nivel agregado en términos de valor añadido y empleo generado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los proyectos y políticas turísticas parten de una iniciativa local. La evaluación de su éxito requiere de un análisis local o regional que requiere del entendimiento del comportamiento de…

Seminario 18/14: (Greys Sosic, USC Marshall School of Business, USA) Incentives and Emission Responsibility Allocation in Supply Chains


In view of the urgency and challenges of mitigating climate change, it should be noted that Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emitted from the supply chains of the 2,500 largest global corporations accounts for about 18% of global GHG emissions. Therefore, rationalizing emissions in supply chains could make a significant contribution to achieving the CO2 emission reduction…

Seminario 18/13: Karoon Suksonghong (Burapha University) – Modeling the demand for inbound tourism to Thailand: Panel data approach


Abstract This paper models the inbound tourism demand of Thailand by focusing on six major tourism markets, including China, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Russia, and India. Several economics variables widely used in the demand modeling literature were adopted. Besides, additional variables pertaining to environmental and security aspect were considered and incorporated into our investigated model….

Seminario 18/12: -Pedro Pintassilgo (UAlg)-International Fisheries Agreements: A Game Theoretical Approach


The management of fish stocks harvested by several countries is an important economic and political issue at the international level. It is estimated that the harvests of these fish stocks account for about one third of world marine harvests. The cooperative management of international shared fish stocks, through International Fisheries Agreements, has proven to be…

Seminario 18/10: Margarita Vilar (Universidad de La Coruña) Mercado de trabajo, consumo y desigualdad en el periodo democrático (1978-2018)

desigualdad salarios

Resumen: Este trabajo pretende abordar tres aspectos fundamentales estrechamente relacionados entre sí que resultan claves para entender la situación precaria de los trabajadores en España tras cuarenta años de democracia y que han derivado en graves consecuencias económicas y sociales. El primero se refiere a las reformas laborales impulsadas en España después de la dictadura y…

Seminario 18/11: Jesús Vázquez (U. País Vasco)-The bond term premium in an estimated DSGE model with real-time learning


ABSTRACT: Adaptive learning (AL) takes over other features needed to generate a sizable term premium under rational expectations. Indeed, a time-varying term premium emerges in a first-order approximation of a DSGE model under AL. We estimate a real-time AL model that builds on Slobodyan and Wouters (2012a). Our extension disentangles the expectations hypothesis of the term structure (EH)…

Seminario 18/9: Xesús Pereira (U. Santiago de Compostela)- En la búsqueda de una formulación idónea para los cocientes de localización

Localizacion industrial

En el ámbito de la generación de tablas input-output regionales, se ha visto como la formulación de los cocientes de localización –desde las propuestas incipientes hasta la fórmula aumentada de Flegg– ha sufrido cambios. Ahora bien, las distintas modificaciones presentan cierta sencillez; en donde las tasas de variación del empleo o producción, así como el…

Seminario 18/8: Emilio Cerdá (U. Complutense)-Impacts of Climate Change on Wind Energy Power – Four Wind Farms in Spain

Wind Energy Generation

This paper addresses the long-term impacts of climate change on wind speed and, therefore, on wind energy generation. A projection of wind speed was carried out for four selected wind farms in Spain, using an ensemble of three climate models, two scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and two time periods (2018-2041 and 2042-2065) per plant….

Seminario 18/7: Manuela Magalhänes (Portucalense University, Porto; CEFAGE, Évora and OBEGEF, Porto)- A multi-sector growth model with technology diffusion and networks

up arrow graphic

Abstract: This paper adds the standard input–output linkages into a multi-sector endogenous growth model to study the interaction effects between linkages and technology adoption for aggregate productivity and for income per capita. We show that the greater the intensity with which a good is used as input by other sectors, the smaller are the technology…

Seminario 18/7: CANCELADO HASTA NUEVA ORDEN Juan José Ganuza (UPF and Barcelona GSE) and Fernando Gómez (UPF)- Formal Contracts Without Courts. Scoring Suppliers to Build Trust

Formal contract

CANCELADO POR ENFERMEDAD DEL PONENTE. SE AVISARÁ CUANDO SE FIJE OTRA POSIBLE FECHA. ABSTRACT Relevant empirical findings point at the actual use of explicit (but imperfectly en- forceable) formal contracts by businesses alongside substantial informal dimensions in the relationship. In this paper we formally show the supporting role that formal contracts play for relational interactions. …