- Fecha(s): 04/04/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y Empresa, UMU. Retransmisión en directo.
- Ponente: Francisco Cabo. Universidad de Valladolid
The paper analyzes the interaction between individuals belonging to two distinct populations, who share the same strategy set but differ in their payoff matrices. A two-population evolutionary game describes this interaction, that presents a double dimension. On the one hand, agents in one population play a game against individuals within their own and also the…
- Fecha(s): 05/04/2019
- Lugar: Aula Martínez Gallur
- Ponente: José Carlos González Pimienta (Universidad Carlos 3 de Madrid)
We test the turnout predictions of the canonical costly voting model through a large-scale, real effort experiment. We recruit 1,200 participants through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and employ a 2 x 2 between subjects design encompassing small ( N = 30) and large ( N = 300) elections, as well as close and lopsided. As predicted,…
Using an ideal setting from a major food safety crisis, we estimate a full demand model for the unsafe product and its substitutes and recover consumers’ preference parameters. Counterfactual exercises quantify the relevance of different mechanisms –changes in safety perceptions, idiosyncratic tastes, nutritional characteristics, and prices–driving consumers’ response. We find that consumers’ reaction is limited…
- Fecha(s): 21/03/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del departamento de Economía aplicada. Retransmitido en directo.
- Ponente: David Jiménez (U. Alicante)
Abstract: Nudges, which are interventions that do not restrict choice, have become widespread in policy applications. I develop a general and tractable framework to analyze the welfare implications of nudges. In this framework, individuals suffer from internalities (their utility when choosing is different from their welfare-determining utility) and choice and welfare depend on the environment,…
- Fecha(s): 14/03/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Retransmitido en directo.
- Ponente: Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán (University of Groningen)
Abstract Few topics in economic history have received more attention than the profound transformations undergone by Great Britain during the 18th and 19th century. Even though the positive outcomes of this process for human living standards nowadays are not disputed, the same does not apply to the century spanning from 1750 to 1850 in Great…
- Fecha(s): 07/03/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Retransmitido en directo.
- Ponente: Luiz Fernando Saraiva y Rita Almico (Universidade Federal Fluminense/Brasil)
Abstract La investigación busca interpretar el proceso de crecimiento de la economía brasileña de la mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX reconociendo la importancia fundamental que el trabajo esclavo y los seres humanos esclavizados tuvieron en ese proceso. Utilizando datos estadísticos y demográficos, intentamos demostrar la estrecha y difícil relación entre esclavitud…
- Fecha(s): 28/02/2019
- Lugar: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit).Universidad Miguel Hernández (Campus de Elche). Se grabará.
- Ponente: Juan de Dios Moreno Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)
Abstract: We consider the problem of sharing the revenues from broadcasting sport league events, introduced by Bergantiños and Moreno-Ternero (2019). We characterize a family of rules compromising between two focal and somewhat polar rules: the equal-split rule and concede-and-divide. The characterization only makes use of three basic axioms: equal treatment of equals, additivity and maximum…
- Fecha(s): 28/02/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Retransmitido en directo.
- Ponente: Manuel Pérez García (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Abstract Global History, as a theoretical framework, has been in constant evolution during the last few years. Nevertheless, as the discipline reaches its maturity, the need to push the boundaries of the field becomes clearer; global historians need to avoid the stagnation of the debate by implementing research agendas that incorporate archival sources coming from…
- Fecha(s): 07/02/2019
- Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y Empresa, UMU. Retransmisión en directo.
- Ponente: Luis Aguiar. European Commission – Joint Research Center
Abstract: Digitization has vastly increased the amount of new music produced and, because of streaming, has raised the number of songs available directly to consumers. While enhanced availability has levelled the playing field between already-prominent and new artists, creators may now be highly dependent on platform decisions about which songs and artist to promote. With…
Abstract: Empirical observation shows that policies are usually gradually introduced in a society. This paper presents a model of repeated elections that captures this phenomenon, and that allows countries to differ in their institutional flexibility, thus in the speed of implementation of new policies. We show that with gradual implementation of policies there is an…