Seminario 19/4: Carlos Vidal Meliá (Universidad de Valencia) Cuentas nocionales, jubilación y dependencia: algunas ideas innovadoras.


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Seminario 19/3: Luís Corchón (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) – Two remarks on consumer surplus


Abstract: In this paper we investigate the use of consumer surplus in monopoly when the consumption of the outside good cannot be smaller than a certain number and when the weights given in the social welfare function to consumers and the firm are different. We assume quasi-linear utility and constant returns to scale. We find…

Seminario 19/2: Juan Vicente Llinares (UM) and Susana Álvarez (UM) – A New Index to Measure Educational Poverty and its Application to the OECD countries from PISA 2009 – 2015


Abstract: The consequences that educational underperformance has on both individuals and society as a whole lead policy makers and planners to focus on how to measure it properly. The aim of this paper is to propose an index to measure educational poverty which, taking as a starting point the economic literature on multidimensional poverty measurement,…

Seminario 19/1: Alfonso Rosa García (UCAM) -Coopetition: a group contest with inversely proportional prize-sharing


Abstract A general finding in group contest is that there is an over-expenditure of effort, that is contests between groups generate very high individual efforts (and little free riding) compared to theoretical predictions. However, in the literature the way that the prize is shared ranges only between proportional sharing to egalitarian sharing. In many environments…

Seminario 18/24: Vita Zhukova (UCAM) – The Role of Firms’ Trustworthiness in Business Angels’ Investment. Experimental Evidence from 3-player Trust Game


Business Angels are private individuals who invest their personal financial resources in new and growing small firms. To study Business Angels’decisions we design an experiment based on the Trust Game (Berg et al., 1995) and add a third party, the Business Angel, who decides whether and how much to invest in a firm that is…

Seminario 18/25: Francisco Marcellán (Universidad Carlos III) A friendly approach to orthogonal polynomials and their applications

Ortogonal Polynomials

The theory of orthogonal polynomials constitutes a nice example of the interplay between classical analysis, numerical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical physics. In this talk we will deal with orthogonal polynomials associated with measures supported on the real line with a special emphasis on the situations where they are eigenfunctions of higher order…

Seminario18/23: Francisco Martínez-Sánchez (U. Murcia) – Avoiding Commercial Piracy when Consumers are Loss Averse


Abstract: I analyze how the loss aversion of consumers affects the strategies of the government and the incumbent to avoid commercial piracy and the price competition between the incumbent and the pirate. To that end, I develop a sequential duopoly model of vertical product differentiation with price competition in which consumers have a reference-dependent utility….

Seminario 18/22: Jesús Fernando López Fidalgo, Universidad de Navarra. Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design


El diseño experimental es la única situación en la que es significativo dentro de la teoría Bayesiana promediar sobre el espacio muestral. Como la muestra aún no se ha observado, se aplica el principio general de promediar sobre lo desconocido. Este marco justifica muchos criterios de optimalidad y abre nuevas posibilidades, por lo que varios…

Seminario 18/21: Allan Seheult, Mathematical Sciences, The University, Durham, England. Bayesian Method of Moments (BMOM) Analysis of Mean and Regression Models


A Bayesian method of moments/instrumental variable (BMOM/IV) approach is developed and applied in the analysis of the important mean and multiple regression models. Given a single set of data, it is shown how to obtain posterior and predictive moments without the use of likelihood functions, prior densities and Bayes’ Theorem. The posterior and predictive moments,…

Seminario 18/20: Ana B. Ania-Martínez (U. of Vienna) – Laboratory federalism with public funds sharing


Abstract: We explore the role of public funds sharing in the  framework of laboratory federalism, viewed as a learning process of policy innovation and imitation. In a model of decentralized, rich-to-poor redistribution with labor mobility, such a learning dynamics leads to the complete erosion of the welfare state. We show that suitably designed funds sharing schemes can correct this…