Seminario 18/19: Lorenzo Ductor (Middlesex University) – Connections to Decision Makers: evidence from economics editors

Magnifying lens  on the background of the stack of magazines

Abstract: Are connections to decision makers valuable? Do connections lead to better or worse decisions? And if they do, why is that? We set out to answer these questions by studying connections to the editorial board members of more than 100 economics and finance journals over the period 1990-2011. Departments double their publications in a journal when…

Seminario 18/18: Iñaki Permanyer (Centre d’Estudis Demogràphics, Barcelona)- Measuring poverty in multidimensional contexts


Abstract: When measuring multidimensional poverty it is reasonable to expect that the trade-offs between variable pairs can differ depending on whether the concerned pairs are complements or substitutes. Yet, currently existing approaches based on deprivation count distributions unrealistically assume that all pairs of variables are related in the same way, an unfortunate circumstance that undermines…

Seminario 18/17: Ricardo Martínez (Universidad de Granada) THE PROBLEM OF DIVIDING A BUDGET AMONG SEVERAL DISTRICTS


We study the problem of dividing a budget among the districts of a city taking into account their population and wealth. We focus on order preservation properties that ensure higher transfers to those districts with larger populations and, at the same time, introduce a policy redistribution so that districts with lower wealth per capita obtain…

Seminario 18/16: Joan María Esteban (Instituto de Análisis Económico, Barcelona), Laura Mayoral and Debraj Ray – Income Inequality and Class Conflict


Abstract: This paper revisits the link between income inequality and social conflict. In spite of its plausibility such link is not finding any clear, strong empirical backing. We explore a particular variation around the basic rent-seeking model of conflict with the goal of obtaining predictions more aligned with evidence [see Esteban and Ray 2008, 2011…

Seminario 18/15: Juan L. Eugenio-Martin (ULPGC)-El análisis económico del impacto local del turismo: aplicaciones de econometría espacial


Abstract El desarrollo del sector turístico ha evidenciado su relevancia a nivel agregado en términos de valor añadido y empleo generado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los proyectos y políticas turísticas parten de una iniciativa local. La evaluación de su éxito requiere de un análisis local o regional que requiere del entendimiento del comportamiento de…

Seminario 18/14: (Greys Sosic, USC Marshall School of Business, USA) Incentives and Emission Responsibility Allocation in Supply Chains


In view of the urgency and challenges of mitigating climate change, it should be noted that Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emitted from the supply chains of the 2,500 largest global corporations accounts for about 18% of global GHG emissions. Therefore, rationalizing emissions in supply chains could make a significant contribution to achieving the CO2 emission reduction…

Seminario 18/13: Karoon Suksonghong (Burapha University) – Modeling the demand for inbound tourism to Thailand: Panel data approach


Abstract This paper models the inbound tourism demand of Thailand by focusing on six major tourism markets, including China, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Russia, and India. Several economics variables widely used in the demand modeling literature were adopted. Besides, additional variables pertaining to environmental and security aspect were considered and incorporated into our investigated model….

Seminario 18/12: -Pedro Pintassilgo (UAlg)-International Fisheries Agreements: A Game Theoretical Approach


The management of fish stocks harvested by several countries is an important economic and political issue at the international level. It is estimated that the harvests of these fish stocks account for about one third of world marine harvests. The cooperative management of international shared fish stocks, through International Fisheries Agreements, has proven to be…

Seminario 18/10: Margarita Vilar (Universidad de La Coruña) Mercado de trabajo, consumo y desigualdad en el periodo democrático (1978-2018)

desigualdad salarios

Resumen: Este trabajo pretende abordar tres aspectos fundamentales estrechamente relacionados entre sí que resultan claves para entender la situación precaria de los trabajadores en España tras cuarenta años de democracia y que han derivado en graves consecuencias económicas y sociales. El primero se refiere a las reformas laborales impulsadas en España después de la dictadura y…

Seminario 18/11: Jesús Vázquez (U. País Vasco)-The bond term premium in an estimated DSGE model with real-time learning


ABSTRACT: Adaptive learning (AL) takes over other features needed to generate a sizable term premium under rational expectations. Indeed, a time-varying term premium emerges in a first-order approximation of a DSGE model under AL. We estimate a real-time AL model that builds on Slobodyan and Wouters (2012a). Our extension disentangles the expectations hypothesis of the term structure (EH)…