Seminario 18/9: Xesús Pereira (U. Santiago de Compostela)- En la búsqueda de una formulación idónea para los cocientes de localización

Localizacion industrial

En el ámbito de la generación de tablas input-output regionales, se ha visto como la formulación de los cocientes de localización –desde las propuestas incipientes hasta la fórmula aumentada de Flegg– ha sufrido cambios. Ahora bien, las distintas modificaciones presentan cierta sencillez; en donde las tasas de variación del empleo o producción, así como el…

Seminario 18/8: Emilio Cerdá (U. Complutense)-Impacts of Climate Change on Wind Energy Power – Four Wind Farms in Spain

Wind Energy Generation

This paper addresses the long-term impacts of climate change on wind speed and, therefore, on wind energy generation. A projection of wind speed was carried out for four selected wind farms in Spain, using an ensemble of three climate models, two scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and two time periods (2018-2041 and 2042-2065) per plant….

Seminario 18/7: Manuela Magalhänes (Portucalense University, Porto; CEFAGE, Évora and OBEGEF, Porto)- A multi-sector growth model with technology diffusion and networks

up arrow graphic

Abstract: This paper adds the standard input–output linkages into a multi-sector endogenous growth model to study the interaction effects between linkages and technology adoption for aggregate productivity and for income per capita. We show that the greater the intensity with which a good is used as input by other sectors, the smaller are the technology…

Seminario 18/7: CANCELADO HASTA NUEVA ORDEN Juan José Ganuza (UPF and Barcelona GSE) and Fernando Gómez (UPF)- Formal Contracts Without Courts. Scoring Suppliers to Build Trust

Formal contract

CANCELADO POR ENFERMEDAD DEL PONENTE. SE AVISARÁ CUANDO SE FIJE OTRA POSIBLE FECHA. ABSTRACT Relevant empirical findings point at the actual use of explicit (but imperfectly en- forceable) formal contracts by businesses alongside substantial informal dimensions in the relationship. In this paper we formally show the supporting role that formal contracts play for relational interactions. …

Seminario 18/6: -Konstantin Kholodilin (DIW Berlin)- Rental housing policies and the tenure choice: A multi-country dynamic panel data analysis


The homeownership plays an important role in the wealth accumulation, given that the real estate represents over the half of the private households’ wealth. For more than a century, the governments in the market economies have striven to maximize the proportion of households who occupy their own dwellings. The homeowners are thought to be better…

Seminario 18/05: David Jiménez Gómez (U. Alicante)- Evolution of Self-Control in the Brain


ABSTRACT. Temptation and self-control evolved as single mechanism to make humans behave against their own self-interest. I follow a recent literature in Economics on the evolution of preferences, by modeling the evolution of self-control in a principal-agent framework. The principal can obtain the first best asymptotically by biasing the utility of the agent (from which…

Seminario 18/04: Francisco Alcalá Agulló (Universidad de Murcia)- Growth Sustainability and the Quality Dimension of Consumption


Abstract Which are the factors affecting the long run sustainability of GDP growth? This paper discusses a potentially important one that has been disregarded so far: the shift in advanced economies from quantity to quality growth. First, the paper lays down a simple model introducing the quality dimension of consumption into the IPAT analytical framework….

Seminario 18/03: Adolfo Meisel Roca (Banco de la República de Colombia) – La estatura de los colombianos: Un análisis de los determinantes, 1920-1990.


Abstract Los indicadores económicos demuestran que en Colombia hubo crecimiento económico de largo plazo durante el siglo XX. La estatura promedio de mujeres y hombres aumentó 0.05% y 0.06% anual, respectivamente, entre 1920 y 1990. Utilizando una base de datos única, los registros de certificados de antecedentes judiciales del antiguo Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS)…

Seminario 18/02: Jordi Massó (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) – Not all majority-based social choice functions are obviously strategy-proof


Abstract We consider two families of strategy-proof social choice functions based on the majority principle: extended majority voting rules on the universal domain of preferences over two alternatives and generalized median voter schemes on the domain of single-peaked preferences over a finite and linearly ordered set of alternatives. We characterize their respective subclasses of obviously…

Seminario 18/01: Mª Pilar Martínez García (U. Murcia) – Tourism, environment and growth in an economy with pollution abatement activities


Abstract In this paper a dynamic model of economic growth, tourism and environment is studied. The model considers tourists in the economy as optimizing agents, interacting with domestic consumers. The number of tourists arriving in the country follows the Tourism Are Life-cycle model with a tourism carrying capacity dependent on environmental quality. Tourism hurts environment and abatement activities have…