Seminario 21/12: Francisco Saldanha (University of Lisbon): Project Scheduling with Flexible Resources: Is there a good optimization model?


A project scheduling problem is defined by a set of activities, their precedence relations, and the corresponding execution times. The goal is to sequence and schedule the activities so that some performance measure of interest is optimized. Often, specific resources that exist in a limited amount are required to execute the activities. This extension of…

Seminario 21/11: Juan D. Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide): On the axiomatic approach to sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues


We take the axiomatic approach to uncover the structure of the revenue-sharing problem from broadcasting sports leagues. Our starting point is to explore the implications of three basic axioms: additivity, order preservation and weak upper bound. We show that the combination of these axioms characterizes a large family of rules, which is made of compromises…

Seminario 21/10: Cristina Polo Fernández (Universidad de Extremadura) Medición de la eficiencia de servicios públicos y la importancia del contexto no controlable. Alternativas metodológicas y aplicaciones prácticas.


La medición de la eficiencia en los diversos ámbitos de la economía pública ha suscitado gran interés durante las últimas décadas. Las técnicas más utilizadas en la literatura para estimar el desempeño de las unidades productivas han sido claramente los modelos de frontera no paramétricos tales como el DEA, el FDH o, más recientemente, sus…

Seminario 21/9: Joaquin Sanchez Soriano (Universidad Miguel Hernández) Los problemas de atribución y sus aplicaciones desde la perspectiva de la teoría de juegos


Un problema de atribución consiste simplemente en determinar cuál es la relevancia de una serie de factores para la consecución de un objetivo particular. Aunque la formulación del problema parece sencilla, no lo es tanto, y por ello existe toda una literatura sobre este problema en muy diversos campos. Por ejemplo, este tipo de problemas…

Seminario 21/8: José Manuel Cordero (Universidad de Extremadura): La eficiencia del bienestar y sus factores condicionantes


El propósito del seminario es dar a conocer una nueva línea de investigación dentro de la literatura sobre el bienestar subjetivo que consiste en la estimación de medidas de «eficiencia de la felicidad»; (o déficit de felicidad) utilizando técnicas de frontera. Este enfoque innovador ha sido adoptado en algunos estudios recientes que consideran a los…

Seminario 21/7: Mikel Sesma (Universidad de Navarra): Directional monotonicity and related concepts in the context of data aggregation


In the field of Information Fusion, and, more particularly, data aggregation, the process of aggregation deals with the problem of finding a single number that is able to represent an input of n numbers. In this framework, there is a trend towards relaxing the monotonicity conditions that are often required so that a function can…

Seminario 21/6: Hassan Aly (Ohio State University). The positive impact of COVID-19: Economic, social and environmental


While all research and data collections in the past year has been focused on the damaging impact of Covid19 on the national and international level, as an unprecedented phenomenon that is greater in its negative magnitude than the great depression of 1929-33, this project is centered around the other side of the coin. We will…

Seminario 21/5: Domingo Morales (UMH) Mejor predicción empírica de parámetros bivariados de áreas pequeñas


La charla introduce predictores óptimos empíricos de parámetros bivariados de área pequeña, como razones de sumas o sumas de razones, asumiendo que el vector objetivo a nivel de unidad sigue un modelo de regresión de errores anidados bivariados. Los correspondientes errores cuadráticos medios se estiman mediante bootstrap paramétrico. Varios experimentos de simulación estudian empíricamente el…

Seminario 21/4: Jordi Pons i Puig (Dolby Laboratories): Deep learning architectures for music audio classification: a personal (re)view


A brief review of the state-of-the-art in music informatics research and deep learning reveals that such models achieved competitive results for several music-related tasks. In this talk I will provide insights in which deep learning architectures are (according to our experience) performing the best for audio classification. To this end, I will first introduce a…

Seminario 21/3: Otaviano Canuto (Policy Center for the New South) – Lost in transition: developing countries in the global economy


The growth and productivity performance of emerging market and developing economies since the 2008 global financial crisis failed to repeat the achievements of the previous decade. Besides frustrating expectations that they might become the new growth pole in the global economy, their convergence to per capita incomes of advanced economies has suffered a setback. Nonetheless,…