Seminario 17/02: – Guiomar Martín-Herrán (U. Valladolid) – Retailer and Manufacturer Advertising Scheduling in a Marketing Channel


Abstract: Despite the fact that the use of sporadic advertising schedules is well established in both the advertising literature and market place, the marketing channel literature that focuses on vertical interactions has consistently prescribed continuous advertising strategies over time. This paper investigates, in a bilateral monopoly context a situation in which a manufacturer and a…

Seminario 17/01: – Jose G. Clavel (U. Murcia)- Total Information Analysis: Representation of Categorical Data Through Clusters


Abstract: Due to the presence of duality, cluster analysis has been proposed to analyze Total Information Analysis super distance matrix instead of a row-column joint graph. But the same duality causes that the traditional methods of clustering are not always capable to produce meaningful results. In this paper following Nishisato (2014), the clustering with p-percentile…

Seminario 16/18: – Coralio Ballester (Universidad de Alicante) – Convergence in network guessing games


Abstract: En este trabajo analizamos un conjunto de «concursos de belleza» («Beauty Contests»- Nagel, AER 1995) jugados en el contexto de redes económicas/sociales. Los Beauty Contests han sido utilizados en campos como las finanzas y en el estudio de la racionalidad limitada de los agentes económicos. En concreto, fue uno de los primeros juegos en…

Seminario 16/17: Pedro Marques (Instituto Ingenio, CSIC-UPV) -The six presumptions of smart specialisation


Abstract: For the funding period of 2014-2020, the European Union demanded from all regions or countries the design of a ‘smart specialisation’ strategy. One of the main goals of this strategy was to shift cohesion fund spending away from infrastructure and to encourage policies that stimulate innovation and increase business competitiveness. A second major goal…

Seminario 16/16: – Lucia Pozzi (Università di Sassari) – Transición sanitaria, desigualdades en salud y enfermedades de la pobreza en la isla de Cerdeña (siglos XIX-XX)


Abstract: El objetivo del seminario es analizar las condiciones de salud en la isla de Cerdeña entre la Unificación italiana y la década de 1920 y documentar la extrema pobreza que afectaba a una parte importante de su población. En este periodo se acentuaron las diferencias de la isla con el resto del país, lo…

Seminario 16/15: – Matilde Lafuente (U. Mucia)- Evolution of European social models in times of crisis


Since Esping-Andersen identified different welfare state systems among the European countries in his 1990 work The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, research has been conducted to verify this typology. For instance, Sapir (2005), in his work Globalisation and the Reform of European Social Models, expands the original classification through a simple comparison, identifying four types…

Seminario 16/14: – Mª Pilar Martínez García (U. Murcia)- Policy implications of non-constant discounting in an endogenous growth model with pollution abatement


Abstract: We analyze the effect of non-constant discounting on the sustainability of economic growth in a model with pollution and abatement. A balanced path equilibrium with decreasing pollution exists under plausible assumptions considering time-consistent agents. Compared to exponential discounting, the social optimum when consumers discount a non-constant rate shows greater abatement and consumption expenditure shares…

Seminario 16/13: – Carmen Beviá (Universidad de Alicante) – Relinquishing Power, Exploitation and Political Unemployment in Democratic Organizations


Abstract: The paper focus on the dynamics of organizations and how they design its future according to the interest of their members. Agents are grouped into three classes, high, medium and low productivity. We analyze the evolution of organizations which take decisions by majority voting. We focus on the evolution of the political power and…

Seminario 16/12: – José Antonio Sánchez Espín (Yale University) – Praying in the Desert

Beduin women praying at sunset in the desert in Wahiba Sands, Oman, 2011

Abstract: Humans have tried to control the weather since immemorial times. Leaders who claim to control the weather commanded respect and power from their subjects. We analyze the case of pro-pluvia rogations in the Catholic Church in Murcia (Spain) over the last 400 years. Pro-pluvia rogations were ceremonies performed to ask God for rain. First, we assess…

Seminario 16/11: – Antonio D. Cámara (U. Jaén) – Dimorfismo sexual y evolución tecno-fisiológica en España y Europa


Abstract: Durante las últimas décadas la historia económica y la historia antropométrica han avanzado sustancialmente en el estudio de dos dimensiones biológicas de los niveles de vida como son la salud y el estado nutricional de las poblaciones del pasado. Dichos avances se han apoyado en indicadores alternativos a los estrictamente económicos entre los cuales…