- Fecha(s): 24/11/2022
- Lugar: Online (el enlace se proporcionará a través del Aula Virtual)
- Ponente: Lisard Palau Elcacho (Universidad de Barcelona)
Cuando hablamos de las colonias industriales textiles nos estamos refiriendo, seguramente, a uno de los fenómenos más característicos de la industrialización de Catalunya. Surgidas mayormente a partir de los años setenta del siglo XIX, tendieron a ubicarse a lo largo de los cursos fluviales de los ríos Llobregat, Ter y afluentes para utilizar el agua…
- Fecha(s): 17/11/2022
- Lugar: Seminario de Métodos Cuantitativos. Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Ismael Gálvez Iniesta (Universidad de las Islas Baleares)
We assess the unequal effects of the Great Recession on the labor market outcomes of different cohorts of young individuals and education groups in Spain. We provide empirical evidence that young workers in Spain suffer from a high unemployment rate because of a low job-finding rate and a high separation rate. We also document that…
- Fecha(s): 06/10/2022
- Lugar: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Murcia
- Ponente: Paul De Grauwe
El eminente economista Paul De Grauwe, en la víspera del día de la ceremonia en la que tendrá lugar su investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Murcia, impartirá un seminario/conferencia dirigido a los estudiantes del programa de doctorado DEcIDE y, en general, a todos los estudiantes y profesores de la Facultad de…
- Fecha(s): 04/10/2022
- Lugar: Instituto Centro de Investigación Operativa (Universidad Miguel Hernández). Se grabará.
- Ponente: Marc Escrihuela, Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB)
In many economically relevant situations, the outcome of a negotiation determines not only how the two parties share the surplus generated by their interaction (share effect), but also the aggregate surplus (size effect). We show that, in multilateral negotiations modeled using the Nash-in-Nash solution, the equilibrium payoff of a party may be decreasing in her…
- Fecha(s): 23/09/2022
- Lugar: Seminario Métodos Cuantitativos. Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Universidad de Murcia.
- Ponente: Darragh Flannery. Department of Economics, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland.
The existence of a ‘multiplier’, ‘compositional’ or ‘social context effect’ is debated extensively in the literature on school effectiveness. Some researchers have posited that the relationship between social context and achievement is mediated by school, teacher or classroom factors, such as teacher expectations, quality of instruction, or adequacy of school resources. In this context, this…
- Fecha(s): 12/07/2022
- Lugar: Magdalena Kapelko (Department of Logistics, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland)
- Ponente: Magdalena Kapelko (Department of Logistics, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland)
Abstract This article proposes an innovative approach to evaluate firms’ inefficiency accounting for corporate social responsibility (CRS) activities of firms. In the first step, we estimate dynamic inefficiency for each input, marketable output, CSR output and investment using Data Envelopment Analysis. Dynamic inefficiency measure accounts for the confounding role of adjustment costs related with firms’…
- Fecha(s): 11/07/2022
- Lugar: Instituto Centro de Investigación Operativa (Universidad Miguel Hernández). Se grabará.
- Ponente: Maria Chiara Pagliarella
This paper introduces a three-fold Fay-Herriot model with random effects at three hierarchical levels. Small area best linear unbiased predictors of linear indicators are derived from the new model and the corresponding mean squared errors are approximated and estimated analytically and by parametric bootstrap. The problem of influence analysis and model diagnostics is addressed by…
- Fecha(s): 16/06/2022
- Lugar: Universidad de Murcia - Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
- Ponente: Debrah Meloso
We use high-performance Continuous Double Auction trading software and algorithms to study the effects of algorithmic trading on pricing and allocative efficiency in a laboratory environment. In addition to trading manually, participants can deploy algorithms that bid marginal valuations modulo a spread and a market-making (maker) or liquidity-taking (taker) parameter. The spread and maker/taker parameters…