Seminario 17/21:- José Rueda Llano (Friedrich-Schiller University) – Incentive Compatible Price Adjustments in Large Markets


Abstract The appeal of the concept of perfectly competitive equilibrium (PCE), to describe the outcome of trade in competitive markets, relies on three assumptions: 1) in the absence of frictions, PCE is the result of the centralized or decentralized interaction of rational agents, 2) whenever the market is out of equilibrium, an adjustment process would…

Seminario 17/20: Fernando Bernstein (Duke University) – A Dynamic Clustering Approach to Data-Driven Assortment Personalization


Abstract We consider an online retailer facing heterogeneous customers with initially unknown product preferences. Customers are characterized by a diverse set of demographic and transactional attributes. The retailer can personalize the customers’ assortment offerings based on available profile information to maximize cumulative revenue. To that end, the retailer must estimate customer preferences by observing transaction…

Seminario 17/19: Matilde Lafuente (U. Mucia)- La dimensión trabajo en el contexto de la Exclusión Social en España


En el análisis de la exclusión social, se ha constatado la importancia de la dimensión trabajo. La persistencia del paro, la temporalidad en el empleo o los bajos salarios, inciden de forma importante sobre los niveles de pobreza y exclusión social. En este trabajo se ha recopilado información sobre distintas variables relacionadas con el mercado…

Seminario 17/18: M.M. Sánchez de la Vega (U. Murcia) – Estimation of Gross Value Added, Spatial Dependence and Panel Data: Evidence in Municipalities of Region of Murcia Case


The aim of this work is to propose a statistical methodology in order to estimate the macromagnitud Gross Value Added per capita (GVApc) in the local geographical area. The procedure proposed consists of estimating a panel model which includes Griffith’s spatial filtering (1996, 2000) to capture the spatial dependence in the whole analyzed period. The…

Seminario 17/17: Guoyin Li (U. New South Wales) – Some Recent Advances in Polynomial Optimization


Optimization problems involving polynomial functions are of great importance in applied mathematics and engineering, and they are intrinsically hard problems. They arise in important engineering applications such as the sensor network localization problem, and provide a rich and fruitful interaction between algebraic-geometric concepts and modern convex programming. In this talk, we will discuss some recent…

Seminario 17/16: Gloria Fiestras Janeiro (U. Vigo) – Valores para juegos TU como funciones de particiones: una revisión


Abstract Los juegos TU como funciones de particiones son estructuras apropiadas para modelizar las ganancias/costes de una coalición teniendo en cuenta como se organizan el resto de los jugadores. En esta charla revisaremos algunos valores propuestos en la literatura, centrándonos en sus propiedades. En particular, revisaremos el valor de Myerson (Myerson 1977), el valor de…

Seminario 17/15: Magdalena Kapelko (Wroclaw University of Economics) – Measuring Productivity Change Accounting for Adjustment Costs: Evidence from the Food Industry in the European Union


Abstract This paper extends the measurement of dynamic productivity change over time to provide its full decomposition into economically meaningful components in the Data Envelopment Analysis framework. The dynamic approach accounts for dynamics of production decisions via adjustment costs and is visualized as a dynamic Luenberger productivity change indicator. The paper also estimates the dynamic…

Seminario 17/14: German López (UCAM) – Macroeconomic Instability and Unconventional Monetary Policy

Abstract This paper studies the evolution of the monetary policy transmission mechanisms in the US after the financial crisis and the extraordinary monetary stimulus applied since 2008. The implementation of a modified Dynamic Factor Model allows the identification of two different structural scenarios based on the information contained in a large dataset of 110 variables….

Seminario 17/15: Small-scale fisheries in Brazil: a not-so-invisible problem

Brazil is proportionally a relatively unimportant player in the world fisheries scenario. However, small-scale fisheries (SSF) specifically are crucial for local livelihoods and the food security of millions of people, both on the coast and inland. Such fisheries provide more than 50% of the total Brazilian catches, suggesting that they can be highly impacting on…

Seminario 17/13: Miguel González Maestre (U. Murcia) – Populist Traps under Democratic Competition Policy


Abstract In a two-sector economy, we consider the endogenous determination of the level of competition in the imperfectly competitive sector, under democratic, non-manipulated voting. In the context of the Salop’s (1979) circular model, we identify conditions such that besides a competitive equilibrium (with most voters choosing the efficient level of transport cost), a «populist» equilibrium…