Subsidies for investing in energy efficiency measures: Applying a random forest model for unbalanced samples

Abstract Investing in energy efficiency measures is a major challenge for SMEs, both for environmental and economic reasons. However, certain barriers often make it difficult to invest in such measures. Although public financial support helps to overcome economic barriers, public bodies face the challenge of identifying which SMEs display the greatest potential to invest in…

The normative permissiveness of political partyism

Abstract Political party identity has become one of the strongest social divides within many Western societies. This paper employs experiments to measure discrimination along different dimensions of social identity, and replicates previous findings showing the strongest discrimination against outgroups occurs in the political party domain. Moreover, we explore a possible explanation for this phenomenon based…

Cooperative Purchasing with General Discount: A Game Theoretical Approach

Abstract In some situations, sellers of certain commodities usually provide price discounts for large orders according to a decreasing unit price function. Buyers of such commodities can cooperate and form purchasing groups to benefit from these price discounts. A natural way to allocate the corresponding cost reductions is the equal price rule. We analyze this…

Simplified mental representations as a cause of overprecision

Abstract Although no consensus on the issue exists yet, some evidence indicates that people are typically overprecise in their inferences. In particular, subjective confidence intervals are often too narrow when compared with Bayesian ones. This paper uses a quasi-Bayesian theory and lab experiments to explore overprecision when people learn about the empirical frequency θ of…

Seminario 24/05 – Adelaida Lillo (Universidad de Alicante): Does reshoring generate employment? A study on services reshoring and its intra- and inter-sectoral components


The aim of this paper is to deepen the analysis of services reshoring in the Spanish services sector, both as a whole and for its constituent elements, examining both intra- and inter-sectoral components. Likewise, it analyzes the impact of this strategy on employment in the services sector, also differentiating between broad reshoring, intra-sectoral reshoring and…

A new look to the tourism and economic growth nexus: A clustering and panel causality analysis

Abstract This paper explores the dynamic relationship between tourism and economic growth using panel data for 144 countries over the period 1995–2019. The study was carried out in two steps. First, the set of countries was classified by considering simultaneously two criteria, tourism and the economic development of the countries over time. Two classifications of…

Tourism distribution at competing destinations: Mobility changes and relocation

Abstract We present a dynamic model of competing destinations to study the agglomeration and dispersion forces driving long-run geographical distribution of tourism. The relative strength of these forces determines whether tourism is agglomerated at one destination or is more disperse. Economies of scale in the tourism industry favour agglomeration while tourists’ preference for local tourist…

A Review on Machine Learning for Asset Management

Abstract: This paper provides a review on machine learning methods applied to the asset management discipline. Firstly, we describe the theoretical background of both machine learning and finance that will be needed to understand the reviewed methods. Next, the main datasets and sources of data are exposed to help researchers decide which are the best…

A dynamic factor model to predict homicides with firearm in the United States

Abstract Purpose: Research on temporal dynamics of crime in the United States is growing. Yet, mathematical tools to reliably predict homicides with firearm are still lacking, due to delays in the release of official data lagging up to almost two years. This study takes a critical step in this direction by establishing a reliable statistical…

The economic benefits of increasing breastfeeding rates in Spain

Abstract Background: Interventions aimed at promoting breastfeeding rates are among the most effective possible health policies available, with an estimated return of US$35 per dollar invested. Indeed, some authors found that a 10% increase in exclusive breastfeeding rates in the first two years of life led to a reduction in treatment costs of US$312 million…