

Seminario 24/06 – Carlos Victoria: What drives fiscal partisanship? Evidence from Spanish local elections

The phenomenon of partisanship in fiscal policy has been a long-lasting topic in the economic literature, from the earlier cross-country studies to more recent empirical analyses at the microeconomic level. However, less is known about the mechanisms that can exacerbate or mitigate this partisan behavior. Using a regression-discontinuity design and a rich electoral and budgetary…


Seminario 24/05 – Adelaida Lillo (Universidad de Alicante): Does reshoring generate employment? A study on services reshoring and its intra- and inter-sectoral components

The aim of this paper is to deepen the analysis of services reshoring in the Spanish services sector, both as a whole and for its constituent elements, examining both intra- and inter-sectoral components. Likewise, it analyzes the impact of this strategy on employment in the services sector, also differentiating between broad reshoring, intra-sectoral reshoring and…


Seminario 24/02 – Adrián Nerja (Universidad de Alicante): How does environmental awareness for HSR influence the necessity for short-haul flight bans?

This paper applies a model in which a local market served by high-speed rail (HSR) and an airline is connected with an international market serving two different airlines. Our aim is to assess the necessity for a ban on short-haul flights from an economic policy standpoint and to investigate the potential for market self-regulation to…


Defensa de Tesis Doctoral: Ensayos sobre la relación entre el desarrollo turístico y el crecimiento económico

El jueves, 1 de febrero de 2024, a las 11:00 horas, en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Murcia, tendrá lugar la presentación y defensa de la Tesis Doctoral «Ensayos sobre la relación entre el desarrollo turístico y el crecimiento económico», realizada por  Verónica Segarra Salgueiro,…


Tesis del programa DEcIDE recibe mención especial en la IV edición del premio «ODSesionad@s» de la UMU

La Universidad de Murcia (UMU) ha entregado la IV edición de los ‘Premios ODSesionad@s’ a la mejor tesis doctoral, Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) y Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), basado en los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas. Una de las dos menciones especiales del jurado en el…


Seminario 24/04 – Volker Schoer (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa): Discursive classroom interaction practices and student achievement in mathematics: Evidence using an International large-scale education dataset

Improving the mathematics performance of school children is an objective for many policy makers around the world. It is obvious that mathematics teachers may have a key role to play in this process; however, robust examination of the teacher characteristics and practices of teachers that help to raise pupil mathematics achievement is relatively sparse, particularly…