Juan Francisco Blázquiz Pulido (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca & University of Alicante): pendiente
Seminario 25/02- Eleonora Vitanza (Università degli Studi di Siena): A Markovian Model of Emotion Dynamics

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel Markovian model that describes the impact of egosyntonicity on emotion dynamics. We focus on the dominant current emotion, and describe the time evolution of its valence, modeled as a binary variable, where 0 and 1 correspond to negative and positive valences, respectively. In particular, the one-step transition…
Seminario 25/01 – Iván Vicente (Universidad de Valencia): Gender roles and Socioeconomic Disparities in Early School Leaving: Evidence from EU-SILC Microdata

Abstract: Early school leaving presents significant disparities, closely tied to observable characteristics such as gender and socioeconomic status (SES). This study examines the complex interplay between these factors using EU-SILC micro-data from 28 EU countries, covering the period from 2011 to 2019. Through logistic regression analyses, we uncover a non-linear relationship between gender and SES,…
Seminario 24/13 – Inga Helinad (University of Trondheim, NTNU): Common ownership and competition: Evidence from ultimate owners of private and public firms

Abstract Firms under common ownership have incentives to internalize the consequences of their behavior on each other, potentially resulting in less competition. In this paper, I revisit the question of whether firms that have owners in common with their rivals compete less. I exploit unique data from Norway to document the economy-wide extent of common…
Seminario 24/12 – Javier de la Plaza Tierno y Melanie Caballero Pastor (MTP): Accesibilidad digital, la eterna olvidada

En esta charla, Javier de la Plaza, responsable del área de UX&Accesibilidad de MTP, hablará de la importancia de que las aplicaciones web y app sean accesibles, la normativa vigente y cómo MTP trabaja con sus clientes para conseguirlo. Posteriormente Melanie Caballero, consultora especializada en accesibilidad digital, compartirá cómo se evalúa si una web es…
Seminario 24/11 – Juan Antonio Rubio Mondéjar (U. de Granada): El poder corporativo en España, 1920-2020

Resumen: La investigación que se presenta pretende arrojar luz sobre la evolución del poder empresarial español en el último siglo. Para lograrlo, se aplica la metodología del análisis de redes sociales al estudio de las relaciones mediante consejeros comunes entre las grandes empresas del país, en una serie de cortes temporales que comienzan en 1920…
Seminario 24/10 – Manuel Llorca-Jaña (U. Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile): Más allá del PIB per cápita: Evolución de los niveles de vida en Chile desde la independencia

Recientemente, para analizar los niveles de vida de un país, se ha consolidado la noción de que se debe incluir un amplio abanico de indicadores de bienestar, incluyendo el PIB per cápita, pero yendo mucho más allá del mismo. Este trabajo resume la evolución de los indicadores de bienestar más populares, sujeto a tener series…
Seminario 24/09 – Santiago Budría (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija): Energy Poverty among Immigrants: Does Host Language Proficiency Matter?

This study uses the 2007-2020 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey to estimate the impact of English language proficiency on energy poverty among immigrants. The paper relies on six different energy poverty measures reflecting both objective (expenditure-based) and subjective (self-assessed) approaches and includes a multidimensional measure of energy poverty….
Seminario 24/08 – Anjeza Bekolli (Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania): Distribution of Profits in Agricultural Supply Chains: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach

In this study, our focus is on decentralized agricultural supply chains, where multiple non-competing distributors serve the demand of their respective markets. These distributors procure a single product from a farmer through an agricultural cooperative within a specific timeframe. Agents can coordinate their actions to maximize profits, employing cooperative game theory to analyze cooperation among…