Seminario 19/28: Jose Luis García Lapresta (UVLL) – Escalas cualitativas no uniformes: un enfoque ordinal


Algunas de las escalas cualitativas utilizadas por diferentes instituciones y organismos no son uniformes: los agentes pueden percibir que la proximidad psicológica entre cada par de términos consecutivos de la escala no sea idéntica. En esta charla se abordan las escalas cualitativas no uniformes a través de la noción de medida de proximidad ordinal y…

Seminario 19/27: José García Solanes (UM) – New insights into the nonlinearity of Okun’s law


We estimate Okun’s relationship for four European countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain) with a nonparametric procedure, without imposing a previous specific functional form. We apply the non parametric MARS  methodology that endogenously detects multiple thresholds and therefore is able to identify multiple possible regimes. In addition, we control for the Euro area crisis…

Seminario 19/26: Javier Rubio-Herrero, St. Mary’s University,Texas (USA) Estimación de flujos desagregados de mercancías por medio de un algoritmo genético


Presentamos un método para estimar de manera indirecta las cantidades transportadas de ciertos productos entre dos regiones en aquellos casos en los que solamente están disponibles los datos de la suma de sus flujos. Este método se basa en la aplicación de un modelo gravitacional clásico introducido en un problema de optimización. El objetivo de…

Seminario 19/25: Francisco Alcalá (UM) – International Relocation of Production and Growth


The relocation of production and exports from the North to the South has been a central feature of economic globalization. Using data on approximately 5,000 products, this paper describes this process over the 1996-2014 period and assesses its impact on cross-country growth. Although increased competition from lower income countries tended to have a significant negative…

Seminario 19/24 : Danilo Leiva-León (Banco España) – Fluctuations in Global Macro Volatility


Abstract: This paper investigates the dynamics, propagation and drivers of macroeconomic volatility from a global perspective. A hierarchical volatility factor model is designed to estimate and decompose the time-varying volatility of output growth across countries into global, regional, and idiosyncratic components. We find that the global volatility component has been systematically declining over time, which is…

Seminario 19/23: Overqualification and skills mismatches among immigrants: the impact of host language proficiency


Abstract: Examining the determinants of qualification and skills mismatches has become a recurrent theme in the literature. Educational mismatches have serious consequences for individuals and can seriously hamper wages, job satisfaction and labour market prospects. These effects can be drammatical among immigrants, since they add up to an already disadvantaged position in the labour market….

Seminario 19/22: Ricardo Flores-Fillol (URV) – Airline alliances and service quality


Abstract: Convenient scheduling, characterized by adequate flight frequency, is the main quality attribute for airline services. However, the effect of airline alliances on this important dimension of service quality has received almost no attention in the literature. This paper fills this gap by providing such an analysis in a model where flight frequency affects schedule…

Seminario 19/21: Pedro Jesús Hernandez (UM) – Los determinantes de la evolución de la desigualdad salarial en España.


Abstract: Este trabajo analiza la evolución y los determinantes de la desigualdad salarial mensual y horaria en España desde 1995 a 2014 utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Cuatrienal de Estructura Salarial. El aumento de la jornada a tiempo parcial es la variable clave que explica el distinto comportamiento observado en ambas. La primera aumenta…

Seminario 19/20: Carmen Sarasúa (UAB) – The Economy of Work in the age of enlightenment


Abstract La economía anterior a la Revolución Industrial atrae en los últimos tiempos un interés cada vez mayor, una vez demostrado que en Inglaterra -cuna de la Industrialización- el crecimiento económico moderno había comenzado mucho antes. La industrialización intensificó el proceso de crecimiento pero no lo inició. El cambio estructural en el PIB y en…

Seminario 19/19: Carmen Herrero (Universidad de Alicante) The balanced worth: a procedure to evaluate performance in terms of ordered attributes


There are many problems in the social sciences that refer to the evaluation of the relative performance of some populations when their members’ achievements are described by a distribution of outcomes over a set of ordered categories. A new method for the evaluation of this type of problems is presented here. That method, called balanced…