Seminario 17/08: Michel Théra (U. Limoges) – Perturbation of error bounds


Abstract In the current presentation, I intend to extend the developments in Kruger, Ngai  & Théra, SIAM J. Optim. 20(6), 3280-3296 (2010) and, more precisely, to characterize, in the Banach space setting, the stability of the local and global error bound property of inequalities determined by proper lower semicontinuous under data perturbations. I will propose…

Seminario 17/07: Mª José Gutierrez (U. País Vasco) – Harvesting Control Rules that deal with Scientific Uncertainty


Abstract: By using robustness methods we design HCRs that explicitly include scientific uncertainty. Under scientific uncertainty –when the perceived model can be generated by a nearby operating model– robust HCRs are designed assuming that the (inferred) operating model is more persistent than the perceived model. As a result, a robust HCR has a steeper ratio…

Seminario 16/15: – Matilde Lafuente (U. Mucia)- Evolution of European social models in times of crisis


Since Esping-Andersen identified different welfare state systems among the European countries in his 1990 work The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, research has been conducted to verify this typology. For instance, Sapir (2005), in his work Globalisation and the Reform of European Social Models, expands the original classification through a simple comparison, identifying four types…

Seminario nº19: Approval Voting Committees with Gender Balanced Representativeness


Abstract:  La Comisión de Derechos de la Mujer e Igualdad de Género del Parlamento Europeo, en un informe de 2012 sobre la representación de las mujeres en los procesos de decisiones políticas, recomienda reformas en los sistemas electorales para que favorezcan la representación femenina. El mencionado informe reconoce que los sistemas electorales tienen un papel…