Specialization Across Goods and Export Quality

ABSTRACT This paper explores the link between specialization across goods and specialization within goods along the quality dimension. It develops a tractable many-country, many-industry Ricar- dian model with an integer number of heterogeneous firms producing each good, under a generic assumption about the distributions of firm e ciencies. In equilibrium, each country exports a range…

Rothschild strategies in non ferrous metals international markets (1830-1940)

ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to analyse the strategies employed by the Rothschilds up to 1940 to gain control and limit competition in the international non-ferrous metals markets. It examines how they opted for inelastic demand products of highly concentrated supply which lent themselves to market control (mercury, nickel, lead, and copper and…

La privatización de la gestión sanitaria: efecto secundario de la crisis y síntoma de mal gobierno

nCon frecuencia se asegura que la gestión pública de los centros sanitarios es ineficiente. A partir de estapremisa, no contrastada, se argumenta la necesidad de introducir elementos privatizadores en la gestión.En este artículo se revisa la evidencia disponible, a escala nacional e internacional, acerca de la aplica-ción de mecanismos de gestión privada en sistemas predominantemente…

Who is afraid of the big bad ban? An evaluation of the effects of the clean air law on expenditure at hospitality venues

ABSTRACT Background In January 2011 Spain modified clean air legislation in force since 2006, removing all existing exceptions applicable to hospitality venues. Although this legal reform was backed by all political parties with parliamentary representation, the government’s initiative was contested by the tobacco industry and its allies in the hospitality industry. One of the most…

Valuing Qalys at the End of Life

ABSTRACT The possibility of weighting QALYs differently for different groups of patients has been a source of debate. Most recently, this debate has been extended to the relative value of QALYs at the end of life (EoL). The objective of this study is to provide evidence of societal preferences in relation to this topic. Three…

Validation and comparison of 15-D and EQ-5D-5L instruments in a Spanish Parkinson’s disease population sample

Purpose: To contribute to the ongoing discussion on the choice of a preference-based health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument to be used in cost-effectiveness analysis by studying and comparing the validity, sensitivity and relative efficiency of 15-D and EuroQol 5D 5L (EQ-5D-5L) in a Spanish Parkinson’s disease (PD) population sample. Methods: One hundred and thirty…

Flexibility in the Spanish Company Law, 1885-1936

ABSTRACT The Spanish business code allowed firms two types of organizational flexibility in the late 19th and early 20th century. Firms enjoyed great leeway in adapting rules to their needs. The corporation was especially flexible in this way. Spanish law also allowed firms to in effect crea- te their own legal form. Until 1920, firms…

Information and Quality with an Increasing Number of Brands

ABSTRACT We analyze the potential trade-off between product variety and consumer information and the implications this trade-off has for product quality. We introduce a simple information accumulation process in a horizontal differentiation model with unobservable quality. As the number of brands increases, per-brand consumer information decreases, which leads to lower average quality. Eventually, the reduction…

Green shoots and double dips in the Euro area. A real time measure

Camacho, M., Pérez Quirós, G., y Poncela, P. 2014, International Journal of Forecasting 30: 520-535. Abstract: In order to perform real-time business cycle inferences and forecasts of GDP growth rates in the euro area, we use an extension of the Markov-switching dynamic factor models that accounts for the features of the day-to-day monitoring of economic developments,…

The Euro-Sting revisited: the usefulness of financial indicators to obtain euro area GDP

Camacho, M., y Garcia Serrador, A., 2014, The Euro-Sting revisited: the usefulness of financial indicators to obtain euro area GDP. Journal of Forecasting 33: 186-197.