Exploring the economic value of personal information from firms’ balance sheets

ABSTRACT Currently personal data gathering in online markets is done on a far larger scale and much cheaper and faster than ever before. Within this scenario, a number of highly relevant companies for whom personal data is the key factor of production have emerged. However, up to now, the corresponding economic analysis has been restricted…

Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Internet Users: An Empirical Approximation for the Case of Spain

ABSTRACT This paper studies the mobile Internet services in Spain. It deals mostly with overall consumer satisfaction as well as with some of its attributes. The study is based on Micro data from a survey conducted by the Spanish Center for Sociological Research (CIS, 2009). The analysis shows that communication quality and cost are the…

Economic evaluation of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening

ABSTRACT Because of its incidence and mortality colorectal cancer represents a serious public health issue in industrial countries. In order to reduce its social impact a number of screening strategies have been implemented, which allow an early diagnosis and treatment. These basically include faecal tests and studies that directly explore the colon and rectum. No…

Spatial effects in industrial location choices: Industry characteristics and urban accessibility

n this paper we study how neighbourhood‐related spillovers affect location choices of manufacturing firms at a local level. A spatial Dirichlet‐multinomial regression model is applied to 90,000 new establishments of the Spanish Mediterranean Axis. Empirical findings show that spatial spillovers play an important role, together with traditional explanatory factors, in driving decisions of companies. Their…

The role of destination spillovers and technological intensity in the location of manufacturing and services’ firms

Focusing on the characteristics of destinations, we seek to identify the relevance of spatial spillovers while driving location choices of manufacturing and services firms. With this objective, we apply a spatial conditional logit equation to model empirically the behaviour of 1 092 864 firms established in 316 municipalities of the Spanish Mediterranean Arc during the…

Industrial location, spatial discrete choice models and the need to account for neighbourhood effects

This research, following the original contributions of Vichiensan et al. (J East Asia Soc Trans Stud 6:3789–3802, 2005) and Autant-Bernard (Eur Plan Stud 14:1187–1208, 2006), employs a spatial conditional logit framework in order to explore the role that inter-territorial spillovers play in driving the location choices of industrial firms. After introducing neighbourhood effects into the theoretical…