- Referencia: Camba-Crespo, Alfonso, García-Solanes, José y Torrejón-Flores, Fernando: “Current-Account Imbalances, Real Exchange-Rate Misalignments, and Output Gaps”. 2022, Economics, 16(1): 57-72.
Abstract This study analyzes the relationships between domestic and foreign output gaps, current-account imbalances, and real effective exchange-rate (REER) misalignments. We first set up a theoretical framework based on the elasticities and absorption approaches of the balance of payments to derive and clarify these relationships. Next, we perform panel VAR estimates in a sample of…
- Referencia: y Prieto-Sánchez, Carlos-Javier: “The role of entrepreneur’s characteristics to be a born global firm”. 2022, European Journal of International Management (in press).
This paper examines how some key features of an entrepreneur lead early-stage firms (ESF) to become born globals (BG). Specifically, it focuses on human capital, the scope and novelty of the product and the opportunities of the business environment in the early stages of a firm. It contributes to the literature by focusing on some…
- Referencia: y Prieto-Sánchez, Carlos Javier: “Incidence of cultural, economic, and environmental factors in the emergence of born-global companies in Latin America”. 2021, Global Strategy Journal, (in press).
Research Summary: This paper examines the effect of key cultural and economic factors on the emergence of born-global (BG) companies. Such factors include the intentions and the growth aspirations of the entrepreneur, as well as the country’s characteristics in terms of its income per capita and the complexity of its economic system. The analysis also highlights…
- Referencia: Isabel P. Albaladejo y M. Teresa Díaz-Delfa: “The effects of motivations to go to the country on rural accommodation choice: A hybrid discrete choice model”. 2021, Tourism Economics, 27(7), 1484–1507..
Based on the theory of constructive consumer choice process, we propose that the rural accommodation choice process depends on motivations of tourists to go to the country. Discrete choice models have frequently been used to explain and predict choices from a set of finite alternatives, such as the choice of accommodation, but using only cognitive…
- Referencia: Ladeuix, Joaquín y Pablo Schiaffino: “Riche comme un argentin: desigualdad educativa en la Argentina de la belle époque”. 2020, Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research, 16(2020): 57-75.
En el presente trabajo demostramos que la Argentina de la belle époque fue, de forma persistente, un país regionalmente desigual en términos de capital humano. Aunque la distribución de los maestros y de las tasas de enrolamiento mejoran significativamente entre 1883 y 1914, la distribución de las tasas de alfabetización no mejora a la par….
- Referencia: y Ladeuix, Joaquín: “El gigante con pies de barro: ¿Fue la Argentina realmente rica? El capital humano durante la primera globalización en una perspectiva comparada”. 2020, Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latina American Economic History: 1-35.
This paper aims to explore an overlooked aspect in the literature of comparative economic history between Argentina, Australia and Canada: human capital. By comparing these countries in the years of the First Globalization, it analyzes the stocks of human capital that Argentina had during the late nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth,…
- Referencia: Camba-Crespo, A., García-Solanes, J. y Torrejón-Flores, F.: “Current-account breaks and stability spells in a global perspective”. 2022, Applied Economic Analysis, Vol. 30 nº 88, pp. 1-17.
Purpose – This study aims to identify structural breaks in the current account and the periods between these breaks, which the authors name stability spells, and study their characteristics and determinants. Design/methodology/approach – Using data from the IMF and the World Bank, this study applies the Lee and Strazicich test to endogenously identify breaks and the Heckman…
- Referencia: y Prats, María A.: “Does stock market capitalization cause GDP? A causality study for Central and Eastern European countries”. 2020, Economics. The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 14 (2020-17): 1-29.
This paper analyzes the relationship between stock market capitalization to GDP and real GDP in 10 Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) that joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007, with the objective of determining whether the financial markets played a role as drivers of economic development in these countries or vice versa. The…
- Referencia: y Martínez-Gabaldón, Eduardo: “On the long-run association between personality traits and road crashes: Findings from the British cohort study”. 2020, Personality and Individual Differences, 155(1), 109677.
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for those aged 15–29 years and the ninth cause of death worldwide. Personality traits play an important role in explaining traffic crashes. We use data from the British Cohort Study 1970 to analyse the effect of the respondent’s personality traits at age 10 on the probability of…
- Referencia: y Martínez-Gabaldón, Eduardo: “An empirical characterization of high-risk drivers in Spain. The role of gender, age, marital status and education”. 2020, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 66, 430–444..
Traffic accidents are both a major economic and public health problem worldwide. We use data from the May 2016 Spanish barometer (n = 1632) to analyse the characteristics of drivers who declare different types of risky driving behaviours. Our estimates suggest that the likelihood of being a high-risk driver in Spain increases with educational attainment…