Seminario 24/06 – Carlos Victoria: What drives fiscal partisanship? Evidence from Spanish local elections


The phenomenon of partisanship in fiscal policy has been a long-lasting topic in the economic literature, from the earlier cross-country studies to more recent empirical analyses at the microeconomic level. However, less is known about the mechanisms that can exacerbate or mitigate this partisan behavior. Using a regression-discontinuity design and a rich electoral and budgetary…

Seminario 24/04 – Volker Schoer (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa): Discursive classroom interaction practices and student achievement in mathematics: Evidence using an International large-scale education dataset


Improving the mathematics performance of school children is an objective for many policy makers around the world. It is obvious that mathematics teachers may have a key role to play in this process; however, robust examination of the teacher characteristics and practices of teachers that help to raise pupil mathematics achievement is relatively sparse, particularly…

Seminario 23/07 – Íñigo Iturbe Ormaetxe (Universidad de Alicante) – Motivated beliefs about stock returns


Systematic biases in return expectations may distort stock prices and lead to inefficient capital allocation. In this paper, we report experimental evidence that buying a stock induces optimistically biased expectations when its price drops below the purchase price. We find this effect in a controlled laboratory experiment as well as in a six-week-long online experiment…

Seminario 22/15: Ismael Gálvez Iniesta (Universidad de las Islas Baleares) Being young in Spain and the Scars from Recessions


We assess the unequal effects of the Great Recession on the labor market outcomes of different cohorts of young individuals and education groups in Spain. We provide empirical evidence that young workers in Spain suffer from a high unemployment rate because of a low job-finding rate and a high separation rate. We also document that…

Seminario 22/14. Paul De Grauwe (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) – Trust and monetary policy


El eminente economista Paul De Grauwe, en la víspera del día de la ceremonia en la que tendrá lugar su investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Murcia, impartirá un seminario/conferencia dirigido a los estudiantes del programa de doctorado DEcIDE y, en general, a todos los estudiantes y profesores de la Facultad de…

Seminario 22/12. Darragh Flannery (University of Limerick)- School socio-economic context and student achievement in Ireland: An unconditional quantile regression analysis using PISA 2018 data


The existence of a ‘multiplier’, ‘compositional’ or ‘social context effect’ is debated extensively in the literature on school effectiveness. Some researchers have posited that the relationship between social context and achievement is mediated by school, teacher or classroom factors, such as teacher expectations, quality of instruction, or adequacy of school resources. In this context, this…

Seminario 22/09 – Debrah Meloso (Toulouse Business School) Algorithm choice in experimental markets: individual and aggregate effects


We use high-performance Continuous Double Auction trading software and algorithms to study the effects of algorithmic trading on pricing and allocative efficiency in a laboratory environment. In addition to trading manually, participants can deploy algorithms that bid marginal valuations modulo a spread and a market-making (maker) or liquidity-taking (taker) parameter. The spread and maker/taker parameters…

Seminario 22/08: Agustí Segarra Blasco (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). Investigar y divulgar: ¿dos caras de la misma moneda?


La investigación científica y la divulgación, esto es poner al alcance de un público más amplio son dos caras de una misma moneda, pero no es lo mismo. Entre los científicos y también entre los economistas encontramos a grandes investigadores que con el paso de los años también se han convertido en divulgadores muy populares…