Litigate or Mediate GameTheory cooperates with Law

ABSTRACT We all are in conflict. Throughout our evolution to a world of limited resources, it is common the clash between people whose interests are contrary. It can be said that in this context the conflict itself is neither positive nor negative, it is natural and necessary for growth and change, and it is inseparable…

Convergence in a Dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin Model with Land

ABSTRACT Convergence among nations that share the same preferences and technologies is a key result of the closed-economy neoclassical growth framework that has received substantial support in the data. However, Heckscher–Ohlin versions of the two-sector neoclassical growth model predict that nations that differ in their capital–labor ratios may not converge to the same steady state,…

Neoclassical Growth and the Natural Resource Curse Puzzle

ABSTRACT  We advance a novel mechanism that helps to explain the puzzling evidence on the natural resource curse. The new channel arises in a standard dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin model composed of small-open economies that take international output prices as given. Within this framework, a more capital-intensive primary sector implies that natural-resource abundant economies grow more slowly…

Are knowledge-intensive services highly concentrated? Evidence from European regions

ABSTRACT Knowledge-intensive services (KIS) are important activities for regional growth and considered to be located at the top of urban and regional hierarchies. However, the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) may lead to a higher degree of decentralization. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the geographical distribution of KIS across European…

Capital structure of foreign affiliates and the investment decision: Two questions to consider

ABSTRACT This paper analyses the ownership structure of foreign affiliates of Spanish firms. In contrast to previous studies on the participation degree, the paper highlights the importance of the previous decision to invest abroad. To do so, an econometric model with a limited dependent variable helps to show that to ignore the previous decision modifies…

Offshoring, outsourcing and the Economic Geography of Europe

ABSTRACT Globalisation has altered the appeal of each region to host economic activities. As firms are pushed to be more competitive, they develop outsourcing and relocation strategies, displacing some production activities to new emplacements. These changes have important impacts in some regions and are modifying the economic geography of Europe. This paper presents the impact…

Family SME’s internationalization: Disentangling the influence of familiness on Spanish firms’ export activity

ABSTRACT This paper studies the relationships between family involvement and internationalization of family SMEs, examining the effects exerted by the three main dimensions that comprise the concept of familiness: power, experience, and culture. Disentangling the influence of familiness dimensions lead us to discover the combined effects of family’s governance, generation and culture on SMEs’ export…

Offshoring in the Spanish footwear industry: A return journey

ABSTRACT During the 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century, outsourcing and offshoring constituted one of the most significant changes made by companies throughout the world. However, in more recent years, the process of offshoring manufacturing activities has been subject to reconsideration by some industry leaders, which has led to cases of bringing…

Monetary Valuation of Informal Care Based on Carers’ and Noncarers’ Preferences

Objectives: To elicit willingness to accept (WTA) values for informal care based on the preferences of informal carers and non-carers. Methods: Two surveys were conducted with a sample of carers (n = 202) and a sample of non-carers (n = 200). Individuals in both groups were asked three questions in which they had to state…

Variabilidad del consumo de antibióticos en una región sanitaria según áreas de salud y modelo de cobertura: sistema nacional de salud vs. mutualidad de funcionarios

Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el consumo de antibióticos en la Región de Murcia en el contexto nacional y europeo en el año 2011 y su patrón de consumo en las distintas áreas de salud, y entre los usuarios del servicio regional de salud y los de la mutualidad de funcionarios civiles…