Consumer complaint behaviour in telecommunications: The case of mobile phone users in Spain

ABSTRACT This work analyses the post-purchase behaviour of mobile phone users once they have experienced a service failure. Taking into account the existing literature on Consumer Complaint Behaviour (CCB), a survey for 4249 individuals in Spain is used for specifying econometric equations that explain the determinants of the complaining decision and the impact that a…

Global Warming and R&D-Based Growth in a Trade Model between Environmentally Sensitive and Environmentally Neglectful Countries

ABSTRACT The paper analyzes a bipolar world in which one region disregards global warming, while the other acknowledges the two-sided link between production and the emissions and concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. Productive activities are negatively affected by global warming, provoke emissions, and make use of intermediate inputs and forest products as inputs. The…

On the Effect of Resource Exploitation on Growth: Domestic Innovation vs. Technological Diffusion Through Trade

Abstract: The economic growth in a developing country endowed with a natural resource and with a resource-dependent economy can be based on its own investments in new technology. Conversely, it can rely on trade as a channel for technology diffusion from a technologically advanced country. The existence, uniqueness and stability of a sustainable growth path…

Property rights for natural resources and sustainable growth in a two-country trade model

ABSTRACT We analyze a dynamic two-country trade model between a technological leading country and a technological follower economy. The output production in the follower economy needs a renewable natural resource as an essential input. We first prove that the innovation developed in the leading country guarantees sustainable growth in this economy. Moreover, trade of innovation…

Can Sustained Growth be Attained through Trading Exhaustible Resources for Foreign Research

ABSTRACT We analyze the existence and the stability of a sustained balanced growth equilibrium (SBE) in a model of two non-homogeneous trading economies. A technological leader country which sells patents of new intermediate products in exchange for an exhaustible resource extracted by a technological follower trade partner. Considering a growth-essential resource, the ‘knife-edge’ assumption of…

Non-constant discounting and Ak-type growth models

ABSTRACT This paper analyzes an AkAk-type endogenous growth model under non-constant discounting, assuming both naïve and sophisticated consumers. For both types of consumers an isoelastic utility with an intertemporal elasticity below one guarantees observational equivalence under exponential and non-constant discounting, but rejects strong equivalence (identical overall impatience does not lead to identical growth rates). Further,…

Nonconstant reputation effect in a dynamic tourism demand model for Spain

ABSTRACT Following the ideas of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) theory, we propose a dynamic econometric model for tourism demand where the reputation effect (the effect of the lagged demand on the current tourism demand) is not constant, but dependent on congestion. We test the model using panel data from Spanish regions during the…

Modeling an Immigration Shock

ABSTRACT In this paper, we model an overlapping generation economy affected by an unexpected immigration shock and determine how households may insure themselves against «immigration risk». We use the model to study the impact of immigration on (i) the welfare of different generations, (ii) the distribution of income among factors of production, and, (iii) the…

Agrarian Change, Land Use and Irrigation: the Impact of the Urgell Canal between 1860 and 1935

ABSTRACT This article analyses the impact of the expansion of irrigation that took place in Spanish agriculture between the mid-nineteenth and the first third of the twentieth centuries. It explores the impact on agricultural land use of the Urgell canal, located in western Catalonia and constituting the largest water infrastructure built in nineteenth century Spain…

The world wine market and the competitiveness of the Southern Hemisphere Countries, 1961-2010

ABSTRACT The global wine market has undergone intense changes in recent decades after a sharp increase in the competitiveness of the new Southern Hemisphere exporters. The dynamism of the New World and increased demand for new consumer countries have accelerated the process of wine globalization. We study the global competition and the main changes in…