Improving scope sensitivity in contingent valuation: Joint and separate evaluation of health states

We present data of a contingent valuation survey, testing the effect of evaluation mode on the monetary valuation of preventing road accidents. Half of the interviewees was asked to state their willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the risk of having only 1 type of injury (separate evaluation, SE), and the other half of the…

Bankruptcy Problems with two References: An Impartial Compromise

ABSTRACT Pulido et al. (Annals Oper Res 158:133–141, 2008) present an extension of the classical bankruptcy problem (O’Neill in Math Social Sci 2:345–371, 1982) where the involved agents have, apart from the claims vector, an additional reference vector. To analyze this extended problem, they propose the extreme and the diago- nal approaches, both of them…

Risk-taking attitudes of people who seek health care: an exploratory approach through lottery games using generalized estimating equations

Fundamento: La caracterización de la actitud ante el riesgo puede ser útil en la planificación de las intervenciones sanitarias. El objetivo fue estudiar la actitud ante el riesgo de una población que demanda cuidados de salud y evaluar la capacidad de un juego de loterías para evidenciar dicha actitud. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal. Se recogieron…

Techno-economic implications of the mass-market uptake of mobile data services: Requirements for next generation mobile networks

ABSTRACT The growth of the mobile data services market is no longer dependent on push strategies from suppliers. On the contrary, demand is now driving the market to the extent that it will not be easy for mobile operating companies to cope up with the demand to come in the near future. Operators are forced…

A note on the SG(m) Test

ABSTRACT López et al. (Reg Sci Urban Econ 40(2–3):106–115, 2010) introduce a nonparametric test of spatial dependence, called SG(m). The test is claimed to be consistent and asymptotically Chi-square distributed. Elsinger (Reg Sci Urban Econ 43(5):838–840, 2013) raises doubts about the two properties. Using a particular counterexample, he shows that the asymptotic distribution of the…

Customer Service Quality and Incomplete Information in Mobile Telecommunications: A Game Theoretical Approach to Consumer Protection

Defensa de los consumidores individuales de telefonía móvil en España. De la calidad técnica a la calidad del servicio

ABSTRACT Consumer protection in the mobile telecommunications industry has become increasingly important, in particular because in Spain individual consumers exhibit considerably lower satisfaction levels than in the rest of Europe. Recently, consumer protection legislation has been shifting its focus from technical quality to subjective customer service quality. In order to adequately monitor service quality, we…

Una panorámica de las telecomunicaciones en España

Abstract: This article deals with some relevant aspects concerning the Spanish telecom sector in order to show a panoramic view of it. Some of them will be analyzed in detail in other articles of this volume. The article starts by placing the telecom sector within the ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) macro sector. Then we…

Satisfaction of Individual Mobile Phone Users in Spain

Abstract: Consumer satisfaction is a key determinant of consumer retention, consumer welfare, and is also a strategic variable for competition and international comparisons. Spain’s mobile customer satisfaction is the lowest in the European Union. The focus of this paper is to identify the determinants of residential mobile phone users’ satisfaction among private consumers of mobile…